Dez Wood
The story of our Table View legend driven to supply the best braai wood this side of the boerewors curtain.
Retirement looming, his wife asked “What are your plans? Certainly not here with me all day?” After a bit of silence, Des proudly replied “I will ensure no friend of mine will ever have crap coals again!”
Here we are… a 33 year Table View resident, proud husband, father, grandfather and one hell of a guy spending his time sourcing the best wood FOR YOU!

Arms of Mercy
Arms of Mercy stands as a beacon of hope, dedicated to serving children in their darkest hours. Our mission is to extend a lifeline to those battling cancer, rare diseases, cerebral palsy, and other special needs, offering them a fighting chance. For countless families, navigating the treacherous waters of severe illness without the safety net of medical aid or financial assistance is a daunting reality. Our unwavering commitment is to raise funds that serve as a bulwark against the financial strain accompanying these diagnoses.